Zucchini Greengrocers Ltd.


[INSERT_ELEMENTOR id=8499]Founded in 1991, Zucchini Greengrocers Ltd is an expert in all things fruits and veggies. We work closely with local and international farmers to source the highest quality of produce that is both fresh and healthy.
Our farmers are our heart and soul! And the relationship we have with local Kenyan farmers has blossomed over the years, in fact, we still work with the same farmers from the day we began. This means we get first pick on their harvests and we make sure they get their fair deal as well.
What started off as a green grocery has now expanded to a juice bar, salad bar, bakery and hot kitchen. We value good food and believe it’s important to know what’s going into our bodies, hence our products are all handpicked with love and care ensuring the best of nutrition.
Our goal is to source food that is grown ethically and properly guaranteeing our customers only get the best of the best.